Mens 5s
Sat 23 Mar 2024  ·  South East Men's Division 3 Martlets
Lewes Hockey Club
Mens 5s
Worthing 4
Mens 5s make Worthing earn the win

Mens 5s make Worthing earn the win

Alan Forster23 Mar - 13:17
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Lewes Mens 5s 0-3 Worthing 4s

New team photo by Kevin Shuttlewood (thanks!)

Final home game of the season (where did the time go!) for the Mens 5s saw them welcome Worthing 4s to the Southdown for the first game of the day.

Having guaranteed their place in div 3 with 3pts last week the 5s were looking to keep recent better performances going even if they knew Worthing would be a sterner test even with their full squad of 16.

Worthing started the better and was not a surprise when they opened the scoring after just 4mins and the boys in green must of feared another 1 sided game similar to the 7-0 loss in the reverse fixture. Lewes reacted well and steadied the ship and thanks to a great block from a shin high PC hit on the line from Tom Evans kept the visitors out. With the introduction of 3 sub midfielders the 5s started taking the game to Worthing and David Churton after a Messi type dribble thru the visitors hit a shot that looked bound for the bottom corner only to be denied by a great diving stick save from the keeper.
Half time 0-1.

The 5s looked to carry on where they left off in the second half but Worthing came back strong and were on top for large parts of the second half, the Lewes defence kept their shape and were denying any clear cut chances but PC's were once again to be the Achilles heel of the 5s with the visitors finishing 2 with well worked routines. 5s were able to occasionally counter but never managed to properly test the keeper.

Final score 0-3 but certainly a decent showing with the teams main goal for the season, maintaining their place in Div 3, seemingly achieved the 5s are looking to enjoy their hockey till the end of the season.
With good performances by the 3 younger members of the team another positive to take away from the game.

No games next week so the 5s have to wait till 6th April for their next and final game away to Eastbourne.

Match details

Match date

Sat 23 Mar 2024



Meet time



South East Men's Division 3 Martlets

League position

Worthing 4
Lewes 5
Team overview
Further reading