Mens 5s
Sat 20 Jan 2024  ·  South East Men's Division 3 Martlets
Lewes 4
Lewes Hockey Club
Mens 5s
Young 4s prove to good for Mens 5s

Young 4s prove to good for Mens 5s

Alan Forster22 Jan - 18:42
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Lewes Mens 4s 6-0 Lewes Mens 5s

The Mens 5s were the away team at the Southdown as they took on club mates the 4s knowing they were going to be up against it with a large core of their team unavailable for a variety of reasons and the 4s having a talented young forward lineup backed by a solid defence.

The 5s set out to be hard to beat knowing they would be defending for alot of the game and measuring success in giving their best rather than in points earned.

The back 4 of James H, Steve, Peter and Felix made numerous good tackles and interceptions and Paul in goal was making saves regularly. A valiant effort by all meant the 4s had to earn every goal some of which were very well taken, a 6-0 result was probably a fair reflection of the game. The 5s never quite able to maintain any pressure on the 4s backline despite the best efforts of Mark S and Joe.

At full time the 5s were satisfied with their efforts but also wondering how close they could play the 4s if at full strength.

The 5s now need to regroup and prepare for the upcoming fixtures where they will be looking to earn points to keep themselves out of the relegation fight.

Match details

Match date

Sat 20 Jan 2024



Meet time



South East Men's Division 3 Martlets

League position

Lewes 4
Lewes 5
Team overview
Further reading